
Welcome to PENSIONS

modern and flexible
choice preferred by
employers and employees alike.



PENSIONS create tangible results for our members by securing enhanced competition and mobility in the management of our members pensionplans

The Danish Competition Authority has repeatedly pointed out that the consolidation of the pension industry into a few large companies has not benefited members. Maybe the opposite. "The alleged economies of scale have not materialized", the Competition Authority points out. At PENSIONS, we have a sharp focus on competition, mobility and costs. As a result, our members benefit from an attractive surplus return on their savings. Year after year.


PENSIONS OFP is a Pan European Pension Fund managing employer-mandated pension schemes. PENSIONS OFP ("Organisation for Financing Pensions") is a non-profit association, and refers to the legal entity of PENSIONS under the European IORP directive.


PENSIONS Pan European activities are subject to the pan-European IORP Directive, which means that PENSIONS lives up to each country's legislation regarding social obligations, labor market rules, tax, information, and "good practice" rules, in Denmark regulated by the Danish FSA. This means that even though PENSIONS is a Pan European pension fund, we operate in the Danish market under the same framework as our colleagues within company and labor market pensions. The association consists of the members, who are both employers and employees. The highest authority is the board of directors, where employers who are members of the pension fund, cf. PENSIONS OFP's articles of association have the right to attend and vote.

PENSIONS OFP is founded by PENSIONS Management A/S. PENSIONS Management A/S represents PENSIONS OFP in Denmark and provides, for PENSIONS OFP, a unique Investment and Administration platform. The platform is developed and prepared to operate in all EU markets, as well as in the EEA countries Norway, Switzerland and Lichtenstein.

All pension savings (technical provisions) must by law be segregated into deposit(s) for the protection of members. Danish members' savings are placed in Danish depository institutions. Pension savings are invested in accordance with the wishes of the customer and the employer, and within the framework of PENSIONS investment policy (SIP) approved by PENSIONS OFP's Board of Directors.

Danish pension schemes with associated group insurance policies are in general insured by Euro Accident Liv, a branch of Euro Accident Livsforsäkring AB. Coverage includes Loss of Employment, Premium Exemption, Death, Critical Illness and Health Insurance. Annuity savings contain a general lifetime risk on lifelong annuities. PENSIONS actuarial calculations are updated annually in accordance with the Danish FSA's annually updated life tables. The lifetime risk is reinsured with Hannover Re in Germany, the third largest reinsurance company in the world with a strong track record in lifetime reinsurance solutions.

PENSION information to the members will, as a minimum, always comply with applicable laws and executive orders under the supervision of the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority. For the purpose of calculating and displaying pension forecasts, we use current societal assumptions prepared by the industry and the Danish Bankers Association. For use in calculating and displaying Annual Costs in Kr. (ÅOK) and Annual Costs as a Percentage (ÅOP), we use the current Cost Recommendation prepared by the Industry.

PENSIONS OFP is registered with the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority ( and is approved by SKAT with SE no. 1294 6767 to offer and manage pension products such as capital, installment and old-age pensions as well as termination and lifelong annuities. The approval is accompanied by the normal obligations for reporting, withholding and paying taxes and fees related to the members' pension savings.


PENSIONS is represented in Denmark by PENSIONS Management A/S, which has the overall administrative responsibility for PENSIONS OFP.

PENSIONS Management A/S
Sankt Peders Vej 1, 1.sal
2900 Hellerup
CVR 35 85 54 40

t: 70 200 117



CEO: Per Møhl, does not receive remuneration


Chairman: Edwin Meysmans Comm. GCV v/Edwin Meysmans (independent), receives remuneration
Member: An Van Damme (independent), receives remuneration
Member: Torben Helstrup, does not receive remuneration
Member: Per Møhl, does not receive remuneration
Member: Christian Friis Jensen, does not receive remuneration


Avenue Marnix 23
1000 Bruxelles

Approved, authorised and regulated by the Belgian Financial Supervisory Authority, FSMA
FSMA Aut. No.: 50622
Virk. Reg. No.: 0673.570.671


Danske Bank A/S


External Audit: PwC
Internal Audit: BDO


Belgium: Clayes & Engels (Lead)
Denmark: Norrbom Vinding I/S




Belgium: Nexyan (Ansvarshavende)
Denmark: KPMG P/S Financial Risk Management


BDO Risk & Assurance Services (Data Processing Officer)


PENSIONS continually strive for “Best Governance” and have defined Policies and Charters within the following areas, for which we have implemented specific business procedures: Actuarial, Business Continuity, Compliance, Financing, Integrity / Code of Conduct, Internal Audit, Internal Circulation of information, Internal Control Measures , Internal working rule for Managing Director, Investment (SIP), Outsourcing, Risk Management, Risk Insurance.

Login to My PENSIONS to access your pensions overview.

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PENSIONS Management A/S
Skt.Peders Vej 1.1
DK-2900 Hellerup
PENSIONS OFP, Reg. 673.570.671, FSMA Auth. 50622

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Telefon: 70 200 117

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Mandag-Torsdag 9-16
Fredag 9-15

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